Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LAD/ Blog #7 Washingtons Farewell Address 1796

Washington announced in his farewell address that his was stepping down from office, as well as expressing his views towards the nation. He spoke of the citizens struggles and accomplishments. He explains the importance of unity in government, to ensure the peoples rights, including their freedom and safety. Mentioning the constituation and its responsiblity of the government acting in the best interest of the people. He then goes on to tell of the no good that can come from parties forming in state, stating "I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State..." Warning citizens of the negative impact political parties would have on the nation. Washington also states, the importance of religion and morality. He also suggested that the United States used the policy of isolationism in foregin affairs. Lastly, Washington thanked the people, for the honor they gave him, as well as the opportunies he recieved.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

LAD/ Blog #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

Washing states that the United States government and the people should pursue an impartial foreign policy and maintain friendly relations with foreign powers despite the conflicts between the countries. He declared the country neutral and warned the citizens of the punishments of getting involved with the hostilities with the European nations. Stating if they did such a thing, they would lose protection from the United States and will be prosecuted.

Republican Motherhood Blog

  •   What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?
The Revolutionary War was a main cause if the shift in the role of motherhood. Since, many of the men were out fighting, it was up to the mothers to take responsibility of the household and educate the children. Mothers were thought of as  "nurse and the educator" of "...future man and [his] undying spirit..."  for democracy and republicanism. (Document A). The women took on this role, to provide for her children and get them ready for the future. mothers were the "nurse and the educator" of "...future man and [his] undying spirit..."  for democracy and republicanism. (Document A). 

  • What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
The consequences of Republican motherhood, actually benefitted the women. They received formal education and gained more rights then before. Women also began to be viewed in a new light by men. Believing that women "best serves her country by training up good citizens, just, humane, and enlightened legislatures" (Document A).The women were also important for the "destiny of our country" as it was he duty to prepare her sons for the future and the benefit of the country.( Document D). 

  • What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?
The ideology of Republican Motherhood was significant because it was the first step in the process of women's socialization. Women were more interested in there own beliefs and ideas, and gained more confidence. For example, women began to group together, "...asserting the importance and the honour of their sex" (Document C). They passed their beliefs to their children, which later led to better equality for women. 

Your blog will also need to include a portrait of Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons by Charles Willson Peale (1789) where you will complete the following after your posted photo.
  • Describe the setting.
A portrait of Mary Gibson with he two sons, who are well dressed and seem content. They are all sitting on a couch. 
  • Who serves at the center of the portrait and why?  How does the woman look?  How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?
The center of the portrait is the mother, because she was the center of the household and home life as well as learning and supporting the children at that time. It also shows that women have become a important part of family life. This symbolizes a republican painting because she is holding her children close to her to show their bond and also that they are wearing more common clothing. 
  • What values do her sons exhibit?
Her sons show their feelings of respect and genuine love for their mother. Represented by their closeness to their mother. This proves that mothers had a signifcicant role in her children's upbringing during this time. As a result of this, her children will retain these values, and become the American men that they were raised and planned to be.

  • Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm?
The placement of her arm, represents republican motherhood, in that they take care of their children and have a special bond with them. Also, that she would do anything for them and protect them and get them ready for the world. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

LAD/ Blog # 5: The Federalist #10

1.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?

Factions are difficult to eliminate because they are natural and caused by a person's or groups beliefs. They are apart of a person's rights and liberty and to get rid of them; their liberties would be taken away and that is unreasonable. Or make equal opportunities and options for everyone, which is unrealistic. Also, everyone deserves the right to their own opinions. Fractions are made by a person's interest and based upon, religion, government and so on. Therefore, people who are involved are strongly opinionated and would not go away without a fight, which makes them all the more challenging to get rid of. 

2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

A democratic government, in which the leaders are voted and elected by the people, is the most effective way to control fractions. This government has the power to fight fractions and corruption, so it does not effect the united states as a whole. Which have the right to make sure that the government officials are not too little or too involved in the citizen's ideals (factions). Another way to control fractions is to make sure their popularity does not grow, gain followers or support, because more numbers mean more power.