Saturday, September 15, 2012

LAD/Blog #3 Declaration of Independence

Summarize the Declaration of Independence in 3 parts (1. democratic principles, 2.list a handful of grievances, and 3. the conclusion) and then publish it on your blog as "LAD #3: Declaration of Independence."  Remember to include a related photo.

1.     The Declaration of the Independence was created because of the colonies discontent with Britain’s rule. The Democratic principles of the Declaration states that the government is in charge of preserving the rights and satisfaction of the people. Including “all men are created equal” and have the unalienable rights such as “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Also, if the people felt the government was being “destructive” they had the right to change or get rid of the government. This part was included, as reasoning behind the colonies desire to leave King George and Britain’s rule. 

2.     The lists of grievances were examples of the Kings offenses towards the colonists, thus explaining the colonies choice of revolt. Some of these grievances were:
For imposing taxes on us without our consent; the colonies were unhappy and “taxation without representation was not fair.
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good; the colonies wanted a government that is for the people and the King refused to enforce certain laws in the colonies and did not care about the colonist.
For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world; the colonies were limited to trade with only Britain.
For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuables laws, and altering fundamentally the forms; Britain disregarded the colonies self-government and set up their own laws for the colonies without their approval.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures; King George forced the colonies to help Britain in times of war and the colonies did not wish to fight their battles.
3.    The colonists no longer wish to be a part of Britain and under the rule of the King. They want to be self- governed and decide their own laws. The last attempt for change in the colonies was the Declaration of Independence, marking the end of Britain’s rule and control over the colonies. The colonists state their desire to be “free and independent states”, as well as their reason behind it. In all the Declaration gives the United States power to be an independent nation and declares war on Britain for the fight of Independence.