Tuesday, October 9, 2012

LAD: Blog #9

Jefferson began his First Inaugural Address by stating that he intended to approach the presidency carefully, as he humbly stated that he knew he needed the help of the rest of the government to help support him. Although he was nervous he made is clear he was prepared for the responsibility of the presidency. He stated that he would rely on the Constitution to guide him through any troubles he faced. Jefferson, also added the importance of unity as a nation, to succeed.  He then proclaims that he believes that the new Republican government will be strong and support the needs of the people as well as protect them. Jefferson goes on to tell the people of America what he will do in his term to make America the best it can be. By explaining the principles that the United States must uphold in order to be successful, emphasizing the qualities of equality, honor, truth, and temperance. Some policies Jefferson mentions include, deals with government, the economy, and society. He stresses that Americans must support the government's actions and be patient with him in times of strife; he will complete his responsibilities to the best of his ability. He also states that he will retire when the people want him to. Jefferson thanks the people for their confidence in him and realizes that not everyone will agree with his decisions however he assures them that he is ready and willing to take on the position of President of America. Finally, he reminds the people that the power lies in them, and that he hopes the government will successfully represent the will of the people.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Blog #8

Christopher Columbus was a man with a dream; he planned to prove that there was a faster route to Asia. He had confidence that he had the talent and skill to do so. He travelled across the Atlantic with his three ships the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus thought he had discovered America, when in reality there were other explorers who found it before him, but it was Christopher Columbus who made it popular with his exaggerated descriptions of the New World filled with a bountiful amount of gold.  Although, his intentions were good at first, he brought many awful changes to the New World, making him more of villain, than a hero in the eyes of others. 
   When Christopher Columbus set foot on North America in 1492, an exchange between the old world and the new world took place. While Columbus and the Europeans benefited greatly from this new discovery, at the same time, many negative aspects were brought upon America. Those things were good except Columbus brought diseases such as small pox, measles, and diptheria, which killed a large population of natives. He opened the opportunities for other Europeans, like the conquistadors to conquer and destroy the Natives. Further more, the exchange Columbus brought was uneven, and brought many negatives to America. Columbus disregarded the hospitality and peaceful attitude of the Native Americans and enslaved, raped and torture the  humans that already inhibited this land. He should be considered a villain because of his thirst for gold that caused him to greedily threaten the Indians to bring him gold or otherwise be killed. Even though Columbus's intentions were for the good of Europe, his actions brought devastating consequenses that cause Columbus to be seen as a villain and not a hero.