Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD Blog #29 Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

  Child labor in America was a rising problem during these times as a result of the poverty of americans so, families needed everyone to work. The working conditions were terrible causing children to work for 10-12 hours a day in unsanitary, dangerous conditions increasing their risk of become injured and even killed. Upon Senator Beveridge's proposal, Congress passed the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act in 1916. Using the federal government's power to regulate interstate commerce, the bill regulated child labor in the factories. The Keating-Owens act was proposed in 1906 and the act "banned the sale of products from any factory, shop, or cannery that employed children under the age of 14, from any mine that employed children under the age of 16, and from any facility that had children under the age of 16 work at night or for more than 8 hours during the day." This act was passed by Woodrow Wilson although it was found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court case Hammer vs. Dagenhart. Eventually the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 was created and is still in effect today.

LAD Blog #28 Wilson's First Inaugural

March 4th 1913, Wilson began his inaugural speech by addressing the change of government, with the 
switch of House to Democrats. Stating that he will explain what this complete change to democrats will mean. As it not only represents the success of a party, but also reclaiming the change and success is to a greater extent to the use of this party by the nation for a "large and definite purpose." Commenting on the aspects of old and new ways in life. He noticed that in his election a mandate from the public to sanitize and purify the American way of life and business by returning it to what it was like many years ago; a society based on morals and respect. As well as that there are many new great things in life including industries, the thought of the individual and women's contributions to the nation. Wilson also planned to pass legislation regulating many industries, such as the Pure Food and Drug Act. President's Wilson's speech was overall hopeful for the future.

LAD Blog #27 Clayton Anti-Trust Act

In 1914, Clayton's act explains the further laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies. Stating that those who engage in commerce cannot discriminate prices towards different groups. Applying to different areas. Also that "nothing herein contained shall precent persons engaged in selling good, wares or merchandised in commerce from selecting their own costumers."Section 3 states any person in commerce involved with making leases, sales and contracts, must have a fixed price charged, discount and rebate as to level the playing field for competitors. Concluding it is unlawful to have these things that substantially lessen competition and create a monopoly. Section 7 says that no corporation engaged in commerce shall acquire, the whole or any part of the stock of another company involved in commerce which by doing so would lessen competition. The law more or less did not allow the lessing of competition as to build up your own business or trust.