Monday, March 11, 2013

LAD Blog #35 FDR's Executive Order #9066

As a result of the devastating bombing on Pearl Habor, the President and the public became concerned with the Japanese as a whole. They became very cautious with Japanese Americans as they began to view them as threats. The fear of another bombing forced the passing of the Executive Order of #9066, this allowed the military to set up areas for Japanese families. Many Japanses as well as other families such as people with German ancestory were forced into these relocation camps. Although these people were viewed as traitors, FDR made sure that these areas had proper supplies, transportation and that they were treated respectfully.

LAD Blog # 34 FDR's Declaration of War

FDR addresses the disastrous event of Pearl Habor on December 7th 1941 and how this traumatic event lead to the decesion to go to war. This assured the public that this event would not go unnoticed nor unacted upon. The fact that Japan had attacked many other countries as well played a role.By saying "With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God." Rooselvelt's decesion to declare war was FDR's way of saying the Americans and the United States needed to take a stand against Japan. Showing that the United States would not take the hostility or agreesion from Japan.