Monday, November 26, 2012

LAD Blog #20 Emancipation Proclamation

The President used this document to free all slaves in the nation. Stating the the government of the United States with use of the mililtary will work to maintain the freedom of such persons. Also, they will not repress anyone from having such freedoms. Lincoln goes on to add that he will stop any rebellion or uprising against this. He list the areas in which slaves will now be free. Making a strong point that he stands by this by saying "And I further declare and make known, that such persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service." Believing this act is an act of justic and warrented by the constitution, as well as his duty as president.

LAD Blog #19 Lincolns Second Inaugural Address

Lincoln begins his Inaugral address stating he does not know what the future holds, but he has high hopes for it. Also, that his previous address was directed towards the impeading civil war and efforts to avoid it. However, it was not avoided as a major result of slavery. Also, that there is a large population of slaves and they are mainly located in the South. Thus, causing the division between the North and South. Lincoln states that there is not a huge difference between the people of the North and South. Finally, he believes that we need to finish the work we started to fix the nation and take care of those who have been effected by this war. Cherishing a lasting peace with ourselves as well as with all nations.