Wednesday, November 14, 2012

LAD Blog #15 Gettysberg Address

Lincoln dissucess the beginning of our nation and his strive to maintain that unity. Bringing up that all men are created equal. He explains that the civil war is a test of how strong the nation is. He is neither for or against the war. However, Lincoln believes that we should remember the dead and not allow them to die in vain. It is the duty of the living to dedicate to their unfinished work that they fought for. Closing that god is giving a new birth of freedom and the government of the people is still for the people.

LAD Blog: #14 Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Lincoln begins hist inaugural address by stating his awareness of the tension between the Northern and Southern states. Also, his stance on the issue, that he does not wish to partake or have interference in the issue over slavery and will remain neutral. He believes in the balance between the states rights, but will stand to defend the constitution. Using the constitution as justification for his viewpoints, Lincoln dicusses labor unions and laws. Lincoln states that the constiution is the key to a stable government and used to make decesions regarding laws. Also, to keep the union together. He states that the idea of secession is the essence of anarchy and that the right of the majority held together by the constitution will keep checks and limitations. The country and the government are for the people and it is the governments right to protect the rights of the people constitutionally. Lincoln condones those apposed to the government and the idea of civil war, but insist that he is here to "preserve, protect and defend" the union. Closing with "we are not enemies, but friends"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LAD Blog:#13 John C. Calhoun

 John Calhoun in his speech stated his opinion on slavery and belief that it would end in disunion of the country. Thus explaining the increasing conflict between the North and South. He explains his desire for the perfect way to preserve the union, as well as his understanding that in order to preserve it, the factors endangering the union need to be addressed and worked out. Calhoun's recognition of slavery as a major issue and other issues involving the government were important to his stance on the issue. On the other hand, Calhoun purposefully showed his disapproval of the Compromise of 1850, while showing the nation that the Constitution allowed the South to practice slavery. In order to solve this  issue, Calhoun proposed that the North should take control and make decisions and actions. He thought  North was responsible for saving the union by recreating the necessary balance between the North and South. Despite his denounce of the compromise, it was still passed. Calhoun concluded that in order to fix the problems between the North and South and resolve the conflict, they needed to agree upon common policies and make compromises that were approved by both.

LAD Blog #12 Polk's War Message

  In the beginning of his message Polk explains the cause of the war between the United States and Mexico. Polk proposed that America was called to fight Mexico as a result of Mexico's wrongs against American citizens over the past years, that trade with Mexico long ago stopped being beneficial, and that America has long attempted unsuccessful peaceful negotiations. America was angered because the Mexicans were attacking them in their own soil. America still felt the need to solve the border disputes with Mexico in a peaceful way. Polk attempted to send the diplomat, John Slidell from Louisiana down to talk negotiations with the Mexican government. However,the negotiations never took place because the Mexican government refused to talk with him. Texas wanted to protect themselves from possible attacks, in response cause many battles. Despite the battles, war was still not officially declared. Although, this message written by Polk was an official statement that a war has finally been started between Mexico and the United States. Polk stated it was his responsibility to protect private property and respect personal property. He also acknowledged that America used all their efforts to peacefully negotiate with Mexico and avoid war and that, the way that Mexico dealt with the problem caused the American government to declare war. Polk's decision to declare war on Mexico was for the good and the protection of the American people.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

LAD Blog #11 Declaration of Sentiments

Presented at the Seneca Falls convention, modeled after the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Sentiments stated that all men and women are created equal.  Repeating the beginning of the Declaration of Independence's theme that a government serves to protect these rights and the secures the best interests of its people. The convention stated that not only the government, but society has failed to give women the rights they deserve. A similar list of grievances is thus provided which expresses all the rights that women do not have that they should be granted as equals to men. Some of which include, the lack of women's voting rights, rights to property and wages and proper education for them. Finally, the Seneca Falls Declaration closes with a list of resolutions giving examples and principles of women's equality to men, further asserting their rights to the libierties that men enjoy, but in the past have been unjustly denied to women.