Monday, November 19, 2012

LAD: Blog #17 Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman" speech

In her speech, Truth discusses her problems not only with the unequal treatment of blacks, but of women in America as well.  Sojourner states that the way woman are supposed to be treated is as a lady, being helped over puddles and into carriages. Known as a hard worker all her life, she believes that she deserves respect as any man. Battling slavery, the grief of losing her children, working as hard as she ever could so why is she not treated as any white woman would be treated like or respected as much as any man. She believes that respect should not be based on intelligence and that without woman there would be no christ. She says that women are strong enough to make decesions, changes and if the woman is black, it does not make a difference.

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