Friday, February 8, 2013

LAD Blog #31 President Wilson's 14 Points

After Russia removed themselves from WWI and had made a treaty with Germany, President Wilson found it necessary to join the war effort. His reasons included perserving democracy as well as others based on economic and social reasons. Wilson created his Fourteen Point Plan to united the world in order and peace. Stating, "The program of the world's peace, therefore, is our program; and that program, the only possible program, as we see it, is this:" going on to list out his points. Some of these include, the removal of economic barriers, applying to trade, as well as having a free and open mind about colonies by observing them.
Another point was to end secret treaties, as well as deal with reaquistion of lost territories to the country of Russia, France, Italy and Belgium. Lastly, a major point was a League of Nations, to further support the idea of uniting peacefully.

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