Sunday, March 3, 2013

LAD Blog #33 FDR's First Inaugural Address

FDR gave his first inaugural address on Saturday, March 4, 1933, he began speaking by exclaiming that he is going to speak the truth. Going on to say that the United States will endure whatever comes its way and famously states that the people have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Asking for the peoples support in the darkest of times. Roosevelt mentions the differences in American culture and ideals now. Stating that there are some dark times, but the United States can prevail, as well as all their hardwork will pay off. He also states "Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."Roosevelt knew that times were tough and believed that with a strong government as well as the support of the people he would be able to fix Americas issues. He planned to fix unemployment and by fixing this problem, would slowly help build up the economy. Roosevelt felt that this time in America would help americans learn for the future to prevent the chance of another crisis. Promising that with his guidance and planning the United States would improve.

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