Monday, April 8, 2013

LAD Blog #37 Brown vs., Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas

During and before the 1950's racial segregation was normal throughout society, including schools. Theses separate schools were designed to be equal, but of course were not. A third grader named Linda Brown had to walk a mile to get to school everday, even though she lived much closer to a white elementary school. As a result of this inconvience, her father attempted for her to attend the white school and when they refused, her father went to McKinely Burnett head of the NAACP. On June 25 1951, the District of Kansas listened to Browns case, with the statement that separate schools suggested the blacks were inferior to whites. Stating that separate, but equal are not equal. Also, that the childrens schooling will later effect them and prepare them for the life they will live as an adult. They later appealed to the Supreme Court on October 1, 1951 and their case challenged school segregation in other schools. It was not until May 17 1954, that the Supreme Court had their unanimous decesion that under the 14th amendemnt that they cannot be depreved of the equal protection under the law and that the schools were not separate, but equal and she was able to attend the white school. This decesion only affected certain

Friday, March 22, 2013

LAD Blog #36 Truman Doctrine

On March 12 1947, Truman spoke on behalf of promoting Democracy and withholding Communism in and out of the United States. Truman stated that he wished to support Turkey and Greece from Communism and secure them as a Democratic. This showed that at this time the most important thing to the United States was the containment of Communism and this document was the first step. Truman wanted to support these nations both economically and militarily. Both Greece and Turkey were struggling after the war and Truman stated that 400 million dollars would be used to help them. This document was successful in the efforts of containment during the Cold War.

Monday, March 11, 2013

LAD Blog #35 FDR's Executive Order #9066

As a result of the devastating bombing on Pearl Habor, the President and the public became concerned with the Japanese as a whole. They became very cautious with Japanese Americans as they began to view them as threats. The fear of another bombing forced the passing of the Executive Order of #9066, this allowed the military to set up areas for Japanese families. Many Japanses as well as other families such as people with German ancestory were forced into these relocation camps. Although these people were viewed as traitors, FDR made sure that these areas had proper supplies, transportation and that they were treated respectfully.

LAD Blog # 34 FDR's Declaration of War

FDR addresses the disastrous event of Pearl Habor on December 7th 1941 and how this traumatic event lead to the decesion to go to war. This assured the public that this event would not go unnoticed nor unacted upon. The fact that Japan had attacked many other countries as well played a role.By saying "With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God." Rooselvelt's decesion to declare war was FDR's way of saying the Americans and the United States needed to take a stand against Japan. Showing that the United States would not take the hostility or agreesion from Japan.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

LAD Blog #33 FDR's First Inaugural Address

FDR gave his first inaugural address on Saturday, March 4, 1933, he began speaking by exclaiming that he is going to speak the truth. Going on to say that the United States will endure whatever comes its way and famously states that the people have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Asking for the peoples support in the darkest of times. Roosevelt mentions the differences in American culture and ideals now. Stating that there are some dark times, but the United States can prevail, as well as all their hardwork will pay off. He also states "Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."Roosevelt knew that times were tough and believed that with a strong government as well as the support of the people he would be able to fix Americas issues. He planned to fix unemployment and by fixing this problem, would slowly help build up the economy. Roosevelt felt that this time in America would help americans learn for the future to prevent the chance of another crisis. Promising that with his guidance and planning the United States would improve.

Friday, March 1, 2013

LAD Blog #32 Kellogg Briand Peace Pact

The Kellogg Brin Peace Pact was signed and used between the United States, France, Japan, Itlaly, Great Britain as well as many other nations. This Peace Pact was designed to denounce war on foreign countries, in hopes that this would help stimulate and help other countries economy from its suffering during and directly after the Great War. This also allowed the countries negoiate to be war free and maintain peace after the war. At first this document was only between the United States and France, but later added the other nations. Some countries joined the Pact was signed, such as Spain and Afghanistan. Once this treaty of peace was signed and ratified, as the leaders of the pact, it was the United States responsibilty to enforce it.

Friday, February 8, 2013

LAD Blog #31 President Wilson's 14 Points

After Russia removed themselves from WWI and had made a treaty with Germany, President Wilson found it necessary to join the war effort. His reasons included perserving democracy as well as others based on economic and social reasons. Wilson created his Fourteen Point Plan to united the world in order and peace. Stating, "The program of the world's peace, therefore, is our program; and that program, the only possible program, as we see it, is this:" going on to list out his points. Some of these include, the removal of economic barriers, applying to trade, as well as having a free and open mind about colonies by observing them.
Another point was to end secret treaties, as well as deal with reaquistion of lost territories to the country of Russia, France, Italy and Belgium. Lastly, a major point was a League of Nations, to further support the idea of uniting peacefully.