Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LAD/ Blog #7 Washingtons Farewell Address 1796

Washington announced in his farewell address that his was stepping down from office, as well as expressing his views towards the nation. He spoke of the citizens struggles and accomplishments. He explains the importance of unity in government, to ensure the peoples rights, including their freedom and safety. Mentioning the constituation and its responsiblity of the government acting in the best interest of the people. He then goes on to tell of the no good that can come from parties forming in state, stating "I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State..." Warning citizens of the negative impact political parties would have on the nation. Washington also states, the importance of religion and morality. He also suggested that the United States used the policy of isolationism in foregin affairs. Lastly, Washington thanked the people, for the honor they gave him, as well as the opportunies he recieved.

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