Sunday, September 23, 2012

LAD/ Blog # 5: The Federalist #10

1.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?

Factions are difficult to eliminate because they are natural and caused by a person's or groups beliefs. They are apart of a person's rights and liberty and to get rid of them; their liberties would be taken away and that is unreasonable. Or make equal opportunities and options for everyone, which is unrealistic. Also, everyone deserves the right to their own opinions. Fractions are made by a person's interest and based upon, religion, government and so on. Therefore, people who are involved are strongly opinionated and would not go away without a fight, which makes them all the more challenging to get rid of. 

2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

A democratic government, in which the leaders are voted and elected by the people, is the most effective way to control fractions. This government has the power to fight fractions and corruption, so it does not effect the united states as a whole. Which have the right to make sure that the government officials are not too little or too involved in the citizen's ideals (factions). Another way to control fractions is to make sure their popularity does not grow, gain followers or support, because more numbers mean more power.

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