Tuesday, September 18, 2012

LAD:Blog #4 Revolution Article

Please read the article "Rethinking the Revolution" by John Ferling and list 5 things that you learned after reading it.

1) Since the camera was available in 1861, pictures were able to be taken during the civil war. It is one of the first wars that is able to happen and it is interesting because it provided a whole new look at the war itself. As technology advanced, it was also considered the first modern war. 

2) Another piece of information I found interesting was that the Revolution was actually a rather brutal and "fierce" war.  Even though it was rarely mentioned in art and literature. Reason being that colonist focused more on pre-revolution events, then the actual revolution itself. It was one of America's longest declared wars, lasting more then 8 years.

3) The Revolution or war of Independence was not only fought against Britain, but against itself as well. The loyalists suffered a great deal from their fight with the tories and their end was similar to that of Britain. 

4)  It was predicted by John Adams that years after the Revolution, it would known completely different then how it should be. Stating "The history of our Revolution will be one continued lie from one end to the other." Explaining that people will never fully understand and know all parts of the war. Including, the belief that Washington single handedly one the war. Adam's prediction was correct. 

5) Due to the fact that the Civil War was so terrible and there was a great loss of life, it downplayed the significance and tragedy of the Revolution. Also, there were many more first hand accounts of the destruction at home of the Civil War then the Revolution, which also explains people not considering it such a "brutal" war. 

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