Sunday, December 30, 2012

LAD Blog #22 McKinley's War Message

McKinley opened his war message with "In the name of humanity...The war in Cuba must stop." Given after Cuba revolted in 1895 against their Spanish rulers. He gave his speech in April 11 1898. McKinley stated that his main reason for going to war is because of the "crisis that has arisen in the relations of the United States to Spain by reason of the warfare that for more than three years has raged in the neighboring island of Cuba. . . ." Believing that the war between Cuba and Spain should be ended as a soon as possible. McKinley seems to be using the raging civil war almost as an excuse to attack the Spanish and place the island of Cuba under control of the United States. McKinley argues that the United States has had problems keeping their promise of neutrality with the crisis in Cuba, and that Spain has offended the United States with its "exercise of cruel, barbarous, and uncivilized practice of warfare". McKinley wanted an armistice to the war between Cuba and Spain so America could regain its lost economic assets in the country and try to revive the ailing economy. McKinley also wants to put an end to the atrocities that were taking place in Cuba under the Spanish government. He also states that the sinking of the USS Maine was a clear indicator of the conditions in Cuba and that direct intervention is necessary to protect American interests. Finally, he mentions how Spain notified America two days ago that they were suspending hostilities in Cuba, and includes that he hopes Congress will take this fact into account. He closes the speech by saying " this measure attains a successful result, then our aspirations as a Christian, peace-loving people will be realized." Showing America's growing role as big brother in the Western Hemisphere. However, the final decision is left up to congress. 

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