Wednesday, January 2, 2013

LAD Blog #24 William Jennings Bryan's Cross of Gold Speech

William Jennings Bryan on July 9, 1896, at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The issue was whether to endorse the free coinage of silver at a ratio of silver to gold of 16 to 1. This would have increased the amount of money in circulation and aided poor farmers. Byran ran for President in 1896, 1900 and 1908. Bryan believes, and shows this belief in his speech, that the “money question” is the dominant issue in America and in the election. He supports the working men. He also praises people like Andrew Jackson for wanting to remove power from the wealthy and return that power to the common man. Byran strongly supports the income tax and the coinage of silver. He stated that he does not want the wealthy to “crucify mankind on a cross of gold”. His party was also known as the silver democrats and in his speech you could tell he felt strongly about his views.

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