Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD Blog #27 Clayton Anti-Trust Act

In 1914, Clayton's act explains the further laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies. Stating that those who engage in commerce cannot discriminate prices towards different groups. Applying to different areas. Also that "nothing herein contained shall precent persons engaged in selling good, wares or merchandised in commerce from selecting their own costumers."Section 3 states any person in commerce involved with making leases, sales and contracts, must have a fixed price charged, discount and rebate as to level the playing field for competitors. Concluding it is unlawful to have these things that substantially lessen competition and create a monopoly. Section 7 says that no corporation engaged in commerce shall acquire, the whole or any part of the stock of another company involved in commerce which by doing so would lessen competition. The law more or less did not allow the lessing of competition as to build up your own business or trust.

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