Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD Blog #28 Wilson's First Inaugural

March 4th 1913, Wilson began his inaugural speech by addressing the change of government, with the 
switch of House to Democrats. Stating that he will explain what this complete change to democrats will mean. As it not only represents the success of a party, but also reclaiming the change and success is to a greater extent to the use of this party by the nation for a "large and definite purpose." Commenting on the aspects of old and new ways in life. He noticed that in his election a mandate from the public to sanitize and purify the American way of life and business by returning it to what it was like many years ago; a society based on morals and respect. As well as that there are many new great things in life including industries, the thought of the individual and women's contributions to the nation. Wilson also planned to pass legislation regulating many industries, such as the Pure Food and Drug Act. President's Wilson's speech was overall hopeful for the future.

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