Sunday, November 11, 2012

LAD Blog #11 Declaration of Sentiments

Presented at the Seneca Falls convention, modeled after the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Sentiments stated that all men and women are created equal.  Repeating the beginning of the Declaration of Independence's theme that a government serves to protect these rights and the secures the best interests of its people. The convention stated that not only the government, but society has failed to give women the rights they deserve. A similar list of grievances is thus provided which expresses all the rights that women do not have that they should be granted as equals to men. Some of which include, the lack of women's voting rights, rights to property and wages and proper education for them. Finally, the Seneca Falls Declaration closes with a list of resolutions giving examples and principles of women's equality to men, further asserting their rights to the libierties that men enjoy, but in the past have been unjustly denied to women. 

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