Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LAD Blog:#13 John C. Calhoun

 John Calhoun in his speech stated his opinion on slavery and belief that it would end in disunion of the country. Thus explaining the increasing conflict between the North and South. He explains his desire for the perfect way to preserve the union, as well as his understanding that in order to preserve it, the factors endangering the union need to be addressed and worked out. Calhoun's recognition of slavery as a major issue and other issues involving the government were important to his stance on the issue. On the other hand, Calhoun purposefully showed his disapproval of the Compromise of 1850, while showing the nation that the Constitution allowed the South to practice slavery. In order to solve this  issue, Calhoun proposed that the North should take control and make decisions and actions. He thought  North was responsible for saving the union by recreating the necessary balance between the North and South. Despite his denounce of the compromise, it was still passed. Calhoun concluded that in order to fix the problems between the North and South and resolve the conflict, they needed to agree upon common policies and make compromises that were approved by both.

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