Wednesday, November 14, 2012

LAD Blog: #14 Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Lincoln begins hist inaugural address by stating his awareness of the tension between the Northern and Southern states. Also, his stance on the issue, that he does not wish to partake or have interference in the issue over slavery and will remain neutral. He believes in the balance between the states rights, but will stand to defend the constitution. Using the constitution as justification for his viewpoints, Lincoln dicusses labor unions and laws. Lincoln states that the constiution is the key to a stable government and used to make decesions regarding laws. Also, to keep the union together. He states that the idea of secession is the essence of anarchy and that the right of the majority held together by the constitution will keep checks and limitations. The country and the government are for the people and it is the governments right to protect the rights of the people constitutionally. Lincoln condones those apposed to the government and the idea of civil war, but insist that he is here to "preserve, protect and defend" the union. Closing with "we are not enemies, but friends"

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