Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LAD Blog #12 Polk's War Message

  In the beginning of his message Polk explains the cause of the war between the United States and Mexico. Polk proposed that America was called to fight Mexico as a result of Mexico's wrongs against American citizens over the past years, that trade with Mexico long ago stopped being beneficial, and that America has long attempted unsuccessful peaceful negotiations. America was angered because the Mexicans were attacking them in their own soil. America still felt the need to solve the border disputes with Mexico in a peaceful way. Polk attempted to send the diplomat, John Slidell from Louisiana down to talk negotiations with the Mexican government. However,the negotiations never took place because the Mexican government refused to talk with him. Texas wanted to protect themselves from possible attacks, in response cause many battles. Despite the battles, war was still not officially declared. Although, this message written by Polk was an official statement that a war has finally been started between Mexico and the United States. Polk stated it was his responsibility to protect private property and respect personal property. He also acknowledged that America used all their efforts to peacefully negotiate with Mexico and avoid war and that, the way that Mexico dealt with the problem caused the American government to declare war. Polk's decision to declare war on Mexico was for the good and the protection of the American people.

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