McKinley opened his war message with "In the name of humanity...The war in Cuba must stop." Given after Cuba revolted in 1895 against their Spanish rulers. He gave his speech in April 11 1898. McKinley stated that his main reason for going to war is because of the "crisis that has arisen in the relations of the United States to Spain by reason of the warfare that for more than three years has raged in the neighboring island of Cuba. . . ." Believing that the war between Cuba and Spain should be ended as a soon as possible. McKinley seems to be using the raging civil war almost as an excuse to attack the Spanish and place the island of Cuba under control of the United States. McKinley argues that the United States has had problems keeping their promise of neutrality with the crisis in Cuba, and that Spain has offended the United States with its "exercise of cruel, barbarous, and uncivilized practice of warfare". McKinley wanted an armistice to the war between Cuba and Spain so America could regain its lost economic assets in the country and try to revive the ailing economy. McKinley also wants to put an end to the atrocities that were taking place in Cuba under the Spanish government. He also states that the sinking of the USS Maine was a clear indicator of the conditions in Cuba and that direct intervention is necessary to protect American interests. Finally, he mentions how Spain notified America two days ago that they were suspending hostilities in Cuba, and includes that he hopes Congress will take this fact into account. He closes the speech by saying " this measure attains a successful result, then our aspirations as a Christian, peace-loving people will be realized." Showing America's growing role as big brother in the Western Hemisphere. However, the final decision is left up to congress.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
LAD Blog #21 Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth
Carnegie begins his Gospel of Wealth by stating that the main problem of his age is the distribution of wealth and keeping the ties between the rich and the poor. Over the years human life has changed and the different between the wealthy and common man has increased. However, the change is beneficial because "ssential for the progress of the race, that the houses of some should be homes for all that is highest and best in literature and the arts, and for all the refinements of civilization". Saying that there needs to be a difference in peoples wealth for society to thrive. A big question during Carnegie's time was, how would the wealth be administered? Carnegie says there are 3 modes of administering wealth- passing it on through the family, giving it to the public, or having it administered during their life through those who possess it. He thought that the first and second mode were improper as it did not helpfully spread the wealth. Some of his other beliefs were that the wealthy should not try to show too much extravagance but instead be modest and put their community’s needs before their own. Andrew Carnegie had many interesting views on how the wealthy should use their wealth to the fullest and his beliefs would not be expected from a wealthy man by being modest and not selfish.
Monday, November 26, 2012
LAD Blog #20 Emancipation Proclamation
The President used this document to free all slaves in the nation. Stating the the government of the United States with use of the mililtary will work to maintain the freedom of such persons. Also, they will not repress anyone from having such freedoms. Lincoln goes on to add that he will stop any rebellion or uprising against this. He list the areas in which slaves will now be free. Making a strong point that he stands by this by saying "And I further declare and make known, that such persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service." Believing this act is an act of justic and warrented by the constitution, as well as his duty as president.
LAD Blog #19 Lincolns Second Inaugural Address
Lincoln begins his Inaugral address stating he does not know what the future holds, but he has high hopes for it. Also, that his previous address was directed towards the impeading civil war and efforts to avoid it. However, it was not avoided as a major result of slavery. Also, that there is a large population of slaves and they are mainly located in the South. Thus, causing the division between the North and South. Lincoln states that there is not a huge difference between the people of the North and South. Finally, he believes that we need to finish the work we started to fix the nation and take care of those who have been effected by this war. Cherishing a lasting peace with ourselves as well as with all nations.
Monday, November 19, 2012
LAD: Blog #18 Dred Scott vs. Sanford
In the Dred Scott vs. Sanford case Chief Justice Roger B Taney sided with Sanford. Taney stated that the court concluded that because Scott was a slave whose parents had been born in another country, he cannot be recognized as a citizen and therefore cannot legally receive any American liberties as written in the Constitution. He went on to add that he believed that Scott should be recognized as a lesser person, or a piece of property. As a result, Scott can neither receive protection through the American Constitution nor receive the liberties of a common white man, confirming the fact that Scott has no right to fight for his rights in the judicial system. This court decision contradicts the Missouri Compromise because Scott had lived in slave free Illinois, but he can still be recognized as property. As a result of this decision Scott once again became a slave and the precedent Taney further put the north and the south against each other, adding to the tension and ultimately leading to the Civil War.
LAD: Blog #17 Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman" speech
In her speech, Truth discusses her problems not only with the unequal treatment of blacks, but of women in America as well. Sojourner states that the way woman are supposed to be treated is as a lady, being helped over puddles and into carriages. Known as a hard worker all her life, she believes that she deserves respect as any man. Battling slavery, the grief of losing her children, working as hard as she ever could so why is she not treated as any white woman would be treated like or respected as much as any man. She believes that respect should not be based on intelligence and that without woman there would be no christ. She says that women are strong enough to make decesions, changes and if the woman is black, it does not make a difference.
LAD: Blog #16 Frederick Douglass' "5th of July"
Frederick Douglass gave a speech in Rochester discussing the imporatance and meaning behind Independence day. Questioning the true freedom and liberty that is brought to citizens because of this day. Stating that black americans do not get to experience the same joy and freedom that white americans do on Independence day. Further adding that it merely mocks blacks of their lack of rights. Douglass then denounces slavery in the name of humanity, the Bible, and Constitution as the greatest sin in all America. He then says "I will not equivocate; I will not excuse"; I will use the severest language I can command; and yet not one word shall escape me that any man, whose judgment is not blinded by prejudice, or who is not at heart a slaveholder, shall not confess to be right and just." Closing that the Fourth of July to a slave is injust and that this celebration of nationalism is a cover to hide the despictable crimes of the country. However, Douglas hopes that America will one day outlaw slavery because of its democratic principles.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
LAD Blog #15 Gettysberg Address
Lincoln dissucess the beginning of our nation and his strive to maintain that unity. Bringing up that all men are created equal. He explains that the civil war is a test of how strong the nation is. He is neither for or against the war. However, Lincoln believes that we should remember the dead and not allow them to die in vain. It is the duty of the living to dedicate to their unfinished work that they fought for. Closing that god is giving a new birth of freedom and the government of the people is still for the people.
LAD Blog: #14 Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Lincoln begins hist inaugural address by stating his awareness of the tension between the Northern and Southern states. Also, his stance on the issue, that he does not wish to partake or have interference in the issue over slavery and will remain neutral. He believes in the balance between the states rights, but will stand to defend the constitution. Using the constitution as justification for his viewpoints, Lincoln dicusses labor unions and laws. Lincoln states that the constiution is the key to a stable government and used to make decesions regarding laws. Also, to keep the union together. He states that the idea of secession is the essence of anarchy and that the right of the majority held together by the constitution will keep checks and limitations. The country and the government are for the people and it is the governments right to protect the rights of the people constitutionally. Lincoln condones those apposed to the government and the idea of civil war, but insist that he is here to "preserve, protect and defend" the union. Closing with "we are not enemies, but friends"
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
LAD Blog:#13 John C. Calhoun
John Calhoun in his speech stated his opinion on slavery and belief that it would end in disunion of the country. Thus explaining the increasing conflict between the North and South. He explains his desire for the perfect way to preserve the union, as well as his understanding that in order to preserve it, the factors endangering the union need to be addressed and worked out. Calhoun's recognition of slavery as a major issue and other issues involving the government were important to his stance on the issue. On the other hand, Calhoun purposefully showed his disapproval of the Compromise of 1850, while showing the nation that the Constitution allowed the South to practice slavery. In order to solve this issue, Calhoun proposed that the North should take control and make decisions and actions. He thought North was responsible for saving the union by recreating the necessary balance between the North and South. Despite his denounce of the compromise, it was still passed. Calhoun concluded that in order to fix the problems between the North and South and resolve the conflict, they needed to agree upon common policies and make compromises that were approved by both.
LAD Blog #12 Polk's War Message
In the beginning of his message Polk explains the cause of the war between the United States and Mexico. Polk proposed that America was called to fight Mexico as a result of Mexico's wrongs against American citizens over the past years, that trade with Mexico long ago stopped being beneficial, and that America has long attempted unsuccessful peaceful negotiations. America was angered because the Mexicans were attacking them in their own soil. America still felt the need to solve the border disputes with Mexico in a peaceful way. Polk attempted to send the diplomat, John Slidell from Louisiana down to talk negotiations with the Mexican government. However,the negotiations never took place because the Mexican government refused to talk with him. Texas wanted to protect themselves from possible attacks, in response cause many battles. Despite the battles, war was still not officially declared. Although, this message written by Polk was an official statement that a war has finally been started between Mexico and the United States. Polk stated it was his responsibility to protect private property and respect personal property. He also acknowledged that America used all their efforts to peacefully negotiate with Mexico and avoid war and that, the way that Mexico dealt with the problem caused the American government to declare war. Polk's decision to declare war on Mexico was for the good and the protection of the American people.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
LAD Blog #11 Declaration of Sentiments
Presented at the Seneca Falls convention, modeled after the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Sentiments stated that all men and women are created equal. Repeating the beginning of the Declaration of Independence's theme that a government serves to protect these rights and the secures the best interests of its people. The convention stated that not only the government, but society has failed to give women the rights they deserve. A similar list of grievances is thus provided which expresses all the rights that women do not have that they should be granted as equals to men. Some of which include, the lack of women's voting rights, rights to property and wages and proper education for them. Finally, the Seneca Falls Declaration closes with a list of resolutions giving examples and principles of women's equality to men, further asserting their rights to the libierties that men enjoy, but in the past have been unjustly denied to women.
Monday, October 29, 2012
LAD Blog #10 Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine, states that the United States does not want to become involved in other nations affairs or conflicts. Regarding Russia and many other nation's desire to impose on American territory. The United States feels that unless they are directly threatened, that for the time being should remain out of war and conflict. They feel that after all the battles and war before, America needs a time to rebuild their nation and neutraility is their best option. Monroe stated that if European nations wished to be like the United States, that they should follow in their foot steps and would have better control of their nation. Monroe also, states that if America does not change their ways, that other nations will begin to try and take control of America. Adding that if other nations attempted to colonize America, or run other nations that they would disrupt peace among countries. Concluding, that Monroe felt that other nations should not attempt to colonize any more of the New World and remain neutral, just like the United States.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
LAD: Blog #9
Jefferson began his First Inaugural Address by stating that he intended to approach the presidency carefully, as he humbly stated that he knew he needed the help of the rest of the government to help support him. Although he was nervous he made is clear he was prepared for the responsibility of the presidency. He stated that he would rely on the Constitution to guide him through any troubles he faced. Jefferson, also added the importance of unity as a nation, to succeed. He then proclaims that he believes that the new Republican government will be strong and support the needs of the people as well as protect them. Jefferson goes on to tell the people of America what he will do in his term to make America the best it can be. By explaining the principles that the United States must uphold in order to be successful, emphasizing the qualities of equality, honor, truth, and temperance. Some policies Jefferson mentions include, deals with government, the economy, and society. He stresses that Americans must support the government's actions and be patient with him in times of strife; he will complete his responsibilities to the best of his ability. He also states that he will retire when the people want him to. Jefferson thanks the people for their confidence in him and realizes that not everyone will agree with his decisions however he assures them that he is ready and willing to take on the position of President of America. Finally, he reminds the people that the power lies in them, and that he hopes the government will successfully represent the will of the people.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Columbus Blog #8

When Christopher Columbus set foot on North America in 1492, an exchange between the old world and the new world took place. While Columbus and the Europeans benefited greatly from this new discovery, at the same time, many negative aspects were brought upon America. Those things were good except Columbus brought diseases such as small pox, measles, and diptheria, which killed a large population of natives. He opened the opportunities for other Europeans, like the conquistadors to conquer and destroy the Natives. Further more, the exchange Columbus brought was uneven, and brought many negatives to America. Columbus disregarded the hospitality and peaceful attitude of the Native Americans and enslaved, raped and torture the humans that already inhibited this land. He should be considered a villain because of his thirst for gold that caused him to greedily threaten the Indians to bring him gold or otherwise be killed. Even though Columbus's intentions were for the good of Europe, his actions brought devastating consequenses that cause Columbus to be seen as a villain and not a hero.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
LAD/ Blog #7 Washingtons Farewell Address 1796
Washington announced in his farewell address that his was stepping down from office, as well as expressing his views towards the nation. He spoke of the citizens struggles and accomplishments. He explains the importance of unity in government, to ensure the peoples rights, including their freedom and safety. Mentioning the constituation and its responsiblity of the government acting in the best interest of the people. He then goes on to tell of the no good that can come from parties forming in state, stating "I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State..." Warning citizens of the negative impact political parties would have on the nation. Washington also states, the importance of religion and morality. He also suggested that the United States used the policy of isolationism in foregin affairs. Lastly, Washington thanked the people, for the honor they gave him, as well as the opportunies he recieved.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
LAD/ Blog #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality
Washing states that the United States government and the people should pursue an impartial foreign policy and maintain friendly relations with foreign powers despite the conflicts between the countries. He declared the country neutral and warned the citizens of the punishments of getting involved with the hostilities with the European nations. Stating if they did such a thing, they would lose protection from the United States and will be prosecuted.
Republican Motherhood Blog
- What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?
- What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
- What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?
Your blog will also need to include a portrait of Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons by Charles Willson Peale (1789) where you will complete the following after your posted photo.
- Describe the setting.
- Who serves at the center of the portrait and why? How does the woman look? How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?
- What values do her sons exhibit?
- Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm?
Sunday, September 23, 2012
LAD/ Blog # 5: The Federalist #10
1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
Factions are difficult to eliminate because they are natural and caused by a person's or groups beliefs. They are apart of a person's rights and liberty and to get rid of them; their liberties would be taken away and that is unreasonable. Or make equal opportunities and options for everyone, which is unrealistic. Also, everyone deserves the right to their own opinions. Fractions are made by a person's interest and based upon, religion, government and so on. Therefore, people who are involved are strongly opinionated and would not go away without a fight, which makes them all the more challenging to get rid of.
2. If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?
A democratic government, in which the leaders are voted and elected by the people, is the most effective way to control fractions. This government has the power to fight fractions and corruption, so it does not effect the united states as a whole. Which have the right to make sure that the government officials are not too little or too involved in the citizen's ideals (factions). Another way to control fractions is to make sure their popularity does not grow, gain followers or support, because more numbers mean more power.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
LAD:Blog #4 Revolution Article
Please read the article "Rethinking the Revolution" by John Ferling and list 5 things that you learned after reading it.
1) Since the camera was available in 1861, pictures were able to be taken during the civil war. It is one of the first wars that is able to happen and it is interesting because it provided a whole new look at the war itself. As technology advanced, it was also considered the first modern war.
2) Another piece of information I found interesting was that the Revolution was actually a rather brutal and "fierce" war. Even though it was rarely mentioned in art and literature. Reason being that colonist focused more on pre-revolution events, then the actual revolution itself. It was one of America's longest declared wars, lasting more then 8 years.
3) The Revolution or war of Independence was not only fought against Britain, but against itself as well. The loyalists suffered a great deal from their fight with the tories and their end was similar to that of Britain.
4) It was predicted by John Adams that years after the Revolution, it would known completely different then how it should be. Stating "The history of our Revolution will be one continued lie from one end to the other." Explaining that people will never fully understand and know all parts of the war. Including, the belief that Washington single handedly one the war. Adam's prediction was correct.
5) Due to the fact that the Civil War was so terrible and there was a great loss of life, it downplayed the significance and tragedy of the Revolution. Also, there were many more first hand accounts of the destruction at home of the Civil War then the Revolution, which also explains people not considering it such a "brutal" war.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
LAD/Blog #3 Declaration of Independence
Summarize the Declaration of Independence in 3 parts (1.
democratic principles, 2.list a handful of grievances, and 3. the conclusion) and
then publish it on your blog as "LAD #3: Declaration of
Independence." Remember to include
a related photo.
1. The
Declaration of the Independence was created because of the colonies discontent with
Britain’s rule. The Democratic principles of the Declaration states that the
government is in charge of preserving the rights and satisfaction of the people.
Including “all men are created equal” and have the unalienable rights such as “Life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Also, if the people felt the government
was being “destructive” they had the right to change or get rid of the
government. This part was included, as reasoning behind the colonies desire to
leave King George and Britain’s rule.
2. The
lists of grievances were examples of the Kings offenses towards the colonists,
thus explaining the colonies choice of revolt. Some of these grievances were:
For imposing taxes on us without our consent; the colonies were
unhappy and “taxation without representation was not fair.
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for
the public good; the colonies wanted a government that is for the people and
the King refused to enforce certain laws in the colonies and did not care about
the colonist.
For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world; the colonies
were limited to trade with only Britain.
For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuables laws, and
altering fundamentally the forms; Britain disregarded the colonies
self-government and set up their own laws for the colonies without their approval.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the
consent of our legislatures; King George forced the colonies to help
Britain in times of war and the colonies did not wish to fight their battles.
3. The
colonists no longer wish to be a part of Britain and under the rule of the
King. They want to be self- governed and decide their own laws. The last
attempt for change in the colonies was the Declaration of Independence, marking
the end of Britain’s rule and control over the colonies. The colonists state
their desire to be “free and independent states”, as well as their reason
behind it. In all the Declaration gives the United States power to be an independent
nation and declares war on Britain for the fight of Independence.
Friday, September 7, 2012
LAD/Blog #:2 John Peter Zenger
1. Who was John Peter Zenger?
John Peter Zenger was a publisher and editor for the New York Weekly journal, from Germany. He criticized the corrupted New York government, including Governor William Cosby. Which included, Cosby’s prosecution of the Interim Governor Rip Wan Dam and the removal of the Chief Justice Lewis Morris. Angered Governor Cosby, had Zenger arrested for “Seditious Libel.”
2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton’s defense.
The controversy over his charges were that Zenger’s articles and criticism was in reality true and therefore were more of fact then opinion. During Zenger’s trail his lawyer Andrew Hamilton used this evidence to his advantage as well as spoke straight to the jury, rather then to the judge. As a result, working in his favor, and lead to the juries decision of not guilty and zenger’s release.
3. What influence did his case have on American government tradition?
Zenger’s case had many influences on american government, the first being the courts view on libel suits. After his case lawyers were able to say that if a statement is true, that it is not libelous and a person cannot be charged. Cases similar to Zenger’s seen in the court room were forever changed.
4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain
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John Peter Zenger's trial |
The significance of his trial was that at first it gave writers and publishers more confidence to write more freely. Newspapers were allowed to criticize the government, as long as there statements true. As time progressed it eventually led to the freedom of speech and the first amendment.
LAD/Blog #1: "Mayflower Compact and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
1. What concepts are included in the mayflower compact?
The Mayflower Compact stated that a form of government was going to be established for organization and to unite the colony. This would allow equal laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Officers for the good of the colony.
2. How does the May flower Compact reflect and attachment to both the “Old” and “New” worlds?
The Mayflower Compact shows an attachment to the “Old” and “New” world because the settlers used ideas from not only England, but some of their own as well. The settlers kept there old traditions and loyalty to the king from the old world. They also used new ideas and concepts such as different governments that they would not have been able to do if they stayed in England, which incorporates the “New” world.
3. How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?
The real difference between the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and the Mayflower Compact was there intentional purpose and the time they planned for it to be in effect. The Mayflower Compact was written to set up a temporary government to in place while the settlers set up their colony and life. It was also used to keep the settlers in line. On the other hand the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was written to create a long term government. The government was to be able to deal with issues all year round and maintain liberty and faith in god as well as laws.
4. What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written constitution.
This approach was used because a strong government was necessary to grow and evolve. In order to unify the colonies of the Connecticut River Valley more laws were needed and a stronger and permanent government was key.
5. In what significant ways does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safe guard against the uprising power by one person or a chosen few?
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Fundamental Orders of Connecticut |
Since the Fundamental Orders is set up to be a strong government, it makes it more difficult of a single person or small group to over take it. As a pre-democratic government chosen by the people, for the people, it is not likely someone would have an uprising against a candidate chosen by the citizens.
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Writing of the Mayflower Compact |
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